Thanks to a new store Natalie discovered that sells US brands, I no longer need to move to America just to satisfy my cravings for all things sugary and trans-fatty. Because at one point, I was considering moving there just to get my daily supply of pop tarts. One thing I've always wanted to try was marshmallow creme. Natalie bought a whole jar and we decided to use it for baking.
The marshmallow creme became a topping to Martha Stewart's One-Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes as we wanted something quick and easy (since we were still in the middle of study break).
The topping overflowed, probably because we added too much milk to the marshmallow creme frosting. The frosting was also too liquid so we couldn't pipe it on top of the cupcakes. Instead, we just ladelled tablespoonfuls on top.
Something that Nat and I should've tried was a Fluffernutter; that is, a sandwich with marshmallow creme and peanut butter :).
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